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[公告] LightWave v9.2發展進度報告

  • 站長
  • 台灣 台北市
  • 註冊日期:2004年2月13日21時02分
  • 發表文章數:1145篇
LightWave v9.2發展進度報告


  很榮幸的在這個星期我將於倫敦的希爾頓與各位見面,同時展示最新的LightWave v9.2功能與更新給各位看。這次的公開發表將由Darkside Animation的Andy Bishop位各位展示LightWave v9.2的新功能。LightWave v9.2已經過在公開測試群中測試了一段時間,現在我們將展現LightWave v9.2這個免費升級版本的優異表現與能力。

  就如我先前所陳述過的,LightWave v9的升級過程中,我們將逐步而且明顯的全面提升LightWave v9的能力,而LightWave v9.2就是這樣的一個發展升級過程中的第一個驗證。我們在2006年的SIGGRAPH展中就曾經略為展示過一些新的技術,像是全新的new motion blur動態模糊與depth of field景深以及全新的Modeler使用的OpenGL顯示模式…更深入的來說,還有Advanced Camera Tools進階攝影機與進化的sub-surface scattering(SSS)肌底散射材質等等。但是我們現在將呈現的更新與進化將遠遠超過在SIGGRAPH展中所展示過的。

Rendering算圖引擎部分-LightWave的算圖引擎在幾個不同的領域中都做了非常重大的變革與提升,這將包括我們曾經在SIGGRAPH展中所展示過的photorealistic motion blur真實動態模糊…更進而搭配全新的anti-aliasing(AA)修鋸齒與global illumination(GI)環境光源照明,Radiosity熱輻射運算, limited render region局部運算的進化等。更進一步來說,我們也會確定這些新加入的功能能夠有更快速的運算能力,這樣您便可以在不需要經過長時間算圖時機的等待變可以利用這些新功能的優勢。這個全新的LightWave算圖引擎將提供更真實的算圖品質與更逼近真實世界的光線設定與效果,同時也可以讓您自行決定品質與運算速度並在求取兩者的平衡中得到最佳的結果。


Camera Tools攝影機工具-這個部份您將發現一種全新的real lens camera真實鏡頭攝影機模式,這種攝影機對於處裡真實影片合成有絕對的助益,同時也如同承諾的將depth of field景深工具作改進,並加入更真實的鏡頭效果…這包括光圈與曝光值的設定來得到真實攝影的曝光瑕疵效果,而這些都可以在使用介面中可以即時預覽看見。

Materials and Node Editor材質與節點編輯器-在材質部份最明顯的增加包括了數種sub-surface scattering shaders肌底散射材質像是Kappa II, Sigma, Skin與新的occlusion shader, Occlusion II。而更重要的是我們在這些節點材質上都加入了反射與折射率的設定。我們暫且不說這些複雜的東西,這些新的材質就是為了讓您更具能力的去控制真實的皮膚質感與其他材質效果,並且可以很有效率的得到最好的結果。我們同時也為了強化整個材質設定流程與功能的設定而開發了全新的Material Nodes 材質節點。這種節點模式可以將原有的一些節點編輯整合到這個節點模式一併輸出成為一個全新的材質。這種Material Nodes節點材質可以讓您更快速的得到一些真實的材質…像是玻璃,液體等等材質效果。

Core Changes核心的改變-當然這個部份是很明顯的,如果沒有核心的改寫,許多功能與新政是不可能辦到的。這並不是輕鬆愉快的事情,但是這些改變是為了讓所有LightWave使用者的日常工作可以順利進行。我們很大幅度的改寫核心對物件管理與參照的對應工作,這些我們雖然在我們的網站上曾經講過許多內容,但是這些目的主要就是在滿足於所以即將使用LightWave v9.2的使用者,您將發現LightWave v9.2將會是最穩定而且是最具工作信賴度的版本。

Software Developers Kit軟體開發工具-在最後,當然不是最終的部份…我們在軟體開發工具SDK中提供更完整的節點系統與進階攝影機的開發資訊。以最核心底層的想法來說,LightWave v9.2的設計是為了能夠讓所有使用者可以在最直觀與互動的環境中工作。

嗯∼以上是所有我想說的,這次LightWave v9.2升級版本是無法在三言兩語中就完全說明清楚的,所以請看看我們的新影片,教學範例與作品區…同時也請在接下來的幾天到幾週內上到各大LightWave網站與其他3D相關資訊網站,您將會看到更多的LightWave v9.2的訊息與討論,相信這些討論只不是才剛開始而已。

在此我們向LightWave v9.2出發吧!

Jay Roth
NewTek 3D部門總裁


LightWave v9.2 Development News


Dear LightWavers,

I had the honor of meeting some of you this week at the London Hilton where NewTek showed off some of our newest product offerings, including an excellent demonstration of LightWave’s upcoming release v9.2 by Andy Bishop of Darkside Animation. LightWave v9.2 has been in Open Beta testing for some time now and we’re just getting started showing the extraordinary capabilities of this free update to LightWave v9.

As I have stated previously, LightWave v9 is a development cycle that will see dramatic improvements throughout the point series. LightWave v9.2 is the first example of exactly what that means. We previewed some of our new technology at SIGGRAPH 06, such as new motion blur, depth of field, OpenGL capabilities in Modeler, additions to Advanced Camera Tools and improved sub-surface scattering, but what we’re delivering in LightWave v9.2 far exceeds anything we discussed at SIGGRAPH.

Rendering - The LightWave render engine has undergone a major overhaul in a number of areas, including the photorealistic motion blur we showcased at SIGGRAPH, along with new anti-aliasing, new global illumination and radiosity and limited render region improvements. Further, we have made sure these new capabilities render significantly faster so that you can take advantage of them without suffering overly long render times. The new LightWave renderer will give you far more photorealism with real world lighting effects and the ability to dial in the look you want while balancing your speed of render.

Modeling - You’ll find the workflow improved dramatically in all areas of Modeler. The new OpenGL support provides accelerated display throughout which lets you get more creative faster. Modeler’s editing performance has been vastly improved by making both modification of geometry and the selection system much faster.

Camera Tools - You’ll find the new real lens camera ideal when you need to match photographs and film plates for compositing. And as promised, depth of field rendering has been improved, providing photorealistic lens effects including f-stop, exposure blooms and lighting artifacts, all of which can be previewed in real time in the user interface.

Materials and Node Editor - The most dramatic new addition to LightWave v9, the Materials and Node Editor now offers several new sub-surface scattering shaders including: Kappa II, Sigma, Skin and a new occlusion shader, Occlusion II. To top it off, we've added refraction/reflection occlusion to all nodes. But, forget the fancy words... these new shaders give you the power and control you need to create realistic skin and other shading effects to get the perfect end result. We’ve also streamlined the functionality of the Node Editor by creating Material Nodes which combine the features of low level nodes into a more convenient and easier to use node presentation. The new Material Nodes will give you realistic metal, glass, liquid and more in a snap.

Core Changes - Of course, no solid update would be complete without some significant work “under the hood;” this isn’t the sexy stuff but in the long run, it may be the very thing that makes your life easier day-to-day. We have dramatically improved our object handling and referencing, we’ll provide a detailed account of what this means on our web site, but suffice it to say that you’ll find many things in LightWave v9.2 more reliable than they have ever been.

Software Developers Kit - And last, but certainly not least, we have developed extensive SDK improvements that provide additional information for the node system and the Advanced Camera Tools. The bottom line is this, LightWave v9.2 is designed for improved operation with interactive preview applications.

Well, that’s wrap-up from my end. Words don’t do this update justice so look out for new videos, tutorials, imagery, etc. to show up on the LightWave web site as well as other 3D sites throughout the coming days and weeks. There’s a lot to show and talk about here and the discussion is just getting started.

Here’s to LightWave v9.2!

Jay Roth
President, NewTek 3D Division
Kurtis Harris - NewTek 3D Marketing
  • 站長
  • 台灣 台北市
  • 註冊日期:2004年2月13日21時02分
  • 發表文章數:1145篇
LightWave開發訊息更新- 2007年2月15日

今天我們將要為您帶來的新訊息是關於LightWave v9第一次免費升級當中的一些新功能,如果您迫不及待的想要使用這些新功能,您不需害怕也不需客氣,您可以現在加入參與所有LightWave v9的正式註冊用戶都會被邀請參加的公開測試活動...方法很簡單,您只要在 http://register.newtek.com 這個網頁登錄您的產品註冊帳號並且點按公開測試的廣告橫幅查看參予的詳情便可.

原物料材質--Material Shaders
當節點編輯器Node Editor在LightWave v9推出時被介紹給所有使用者之後,這項可以快速客製化的材質系統也在研發急速的演化中推出全新模擬真實材質質感的原物料材質(Material Shaders).

這項原物料材質(Material Shaders)的節點編輯功能不但結合原有的節點材質,讓原有的材質節點編輯更容易更方便,而且原物料材質(Material Shaders)不但能複製特定的質感外,更可與其他節點編輯同時使用節點編輯的優異編輯系統的特性.目前有幾種特定原物料材質(Material Shaders)可供使用...




Sigma(S型代號...指的是SSS-subsurface scattering肌底散射材質)是另一項原物料材質,用來表現肌底散射材質(如蠟,玉石,肌膚...等)




修鋸齒(Anti-aliasing)的目的也在修正這種色階之間的階梯狀現象. LightWave即將推出介紹的新修鋸齒技術將是單次掃描校正鋸齒的模式,它不像之前的方式是必須經過多次掃描與修整之後才能得到較高層次的修鋸齒目的.

另一項的發展包含新的取樣形式(sampling patterns),這是指偵測計算光跡如何影響修鋸齒運算的狀況,以前的LightWave使用的是修整取樣模式(fixed-sampling pattern),這種模式是單純針對明顯的鋸齒邊界作修正.而新的Blue Noise(藍訊)模式是一種亂數取樣模式(random-sampling pattern),當判斷需要修整的像素時,藍訊模式會依照光跡運算的格點作做半亂數形式的取樣,這將會在亂數取樣的點中尋求最小距離的差異來計算修鋸齒的必要性,直到需要修鋸齒的兩個像數點之間的差異達到在允許的設定門檻範圍之內.

取樣值的調整度(Adaptive Sampling)也是另一項被提升的部份,這項調整將會讓影像作多次的掃描計算,在第一次的掃描中會計算你所設定的修鋸齒門檻,然後接下來的每一次掃描將會兩倍的加強在設定門檻中確實需要修鋸齒的那些像素...


Kurtis Harris - NewTek 3D Marketing市場行銷部


LightWave Development Update - 02/15/07


Today, we're bringing you information about even more of the new features coming soon to LightWave v9 in its first free upgrade. If you just can't wait to start using these new features, never fear, you don't have to. Registered owners of LightWave v9 are invited to participate in the Open Beta program going on right now. Simply login to your product registration account at http://register.newtek.com and click on the Open Beta banner for details.

Material Shaders

When the Node Editor was introduced in LightWave v9, it paved a new way to quickly create customized surfaces. The Node Editor has been developed even further for LightWave with the introduction of the Material nodes, which duplicate real surfaces.

The Material nodes combine features of existing nodes into a more convenient and easier to use node system. The Material nodes duplicate specific surfaces, but can still access the power of the node system. Several types of material nodes are available.

Dielectric is a glass and liquid shader and is physically accurate, using Beer’s law. (Not that Beer!) Beer’s Law is about energy absorption, which occurs when light passes through a surface. The more light that is absorbed by the material, the darker it will look.

If you have a glass and look at the sides, you may notice that it is darker along the edges. It has the same transparency throughout, but it is relatively thicker along the edge, so more light is being absorbed or refracted.

Conductor is a shader node for physically accurate metal, making creating realistic metal surfaces easy with just a single node.

Sigma is another material node which uses subsurface scattering.

Nodes are also available for creating your own custom Material shaders, including a Standard node based on the Surface input node and a Material Mixer node for combining different materials.


One of the major new technology revisions in the upcoming LightWave update is the new antialiasing technology. Aliasing is the stair-step effect you may have seen on a computer-generated image when two different colors are adjacent. This is due to the nature of pixels being rectangular.

Anti-aliasing is used to correct this stair-stepping effect. LightWave will introduce a new technique of anti-aliasing using a single pass to correct for aliasing. Previously, upon alias correction, a render pass was performed for each anti-alias level.

Another improvement includes new sampling patterns, which is the pattern of detecting rays used in the render. In the past LightWave used a fixed-sampling pattern, which tends to result in the tell-tale aliasing. The new Blue Noise is a random-sampling pattern. For a given pixel, Blue Noise will sample a semi-random point on the grid for a ray, which will be a minimal distance away from each other random sampling point. The sampling continues until the difference between two points are within a certain threshold or the maximum number of samples has been reached.

Adaptive Sampling is another improvement coming to LightWave, which will render the image in multiple passes. The first pass will render with the number of anti-aliasing samples you have selected. Each pass after that doubles the number of samples and only the pixels that exceed the Adaptive Threshold will receive additional sampling during each pass.

Details of additional new LightWave features...
Kurtis Harris - NewTek 3D Marketing

本篇留言於 2007年2月17日02時02分 由 呂 編輯


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